Have you ever wanted to learn how to play chess? Well today I am pleased to share with you a chess set from Chess House. The Lt. knows how to play chess but I admit I was totally clueless until we were able to review the Starter Chess Learning Kit.
Chess is a game that can be played by the young and old. It is meant to challenge your mind and what parent does not want that for their child. The Starter Chess Learning Kit is recommended for ages 6-12 but it can be used with beginners or advanced players.

This chess set is HUGE! It includes: 34 large size plastic chess pieces with two extra queens just in case a little sister happens to misplace one (just saying), a detailed instruction booklet, a large 20" x 20" vinyl roll up chess mat, a 49 minute teaching DVD called Elliot's Chess School, and a large 24" x 8" x 3" zippered canvas bag with a detachable shoulder strap to hold or transport everything. The bag comes in several colors and we were blessed to receive a green camo print which the girls love.
Let me tell you a little more about the teaching DVD called Elliots Chess School. The set comes with a Pawn Level: Beginner instructional DVD. On the video your student will be introduced to the fun and exciting game of chess right from the start. The video goes in detail about each of the pieces, pawns, rooks, bishops, nights, castling, pawn shields, development, and the King and Queen. You will learn how each piece can move, steel or overtake the other player's pieces, and how to develop strategies for playing and outsmarting your opponent. You will also learn the correct point value scoring for the game.
We started out by watching the DVD and then the girls dove right into playing. They had a little knowledge of the game beforehand but did not know all the correct movements of each piece. Overall, we had a great experience and they have beaten me several times. The Lt. returns home from his business trip in a few days and they are eager to play him!
So, you’re probably thinking this chess set is going to cost a lot of money right for all that you get? Nope! It retails for just $49.95 but right now you can save $10.00 and get it for $39.95. This would be the perfect Christmas or birthday gift for any child. It is very durable and the pieces have withstood a 4 year olds hands. I know that we will be enjoying this chess set for years to come!
This was a great learning experience for the girls and I and we wholeheartedly recommend you look into Chess House if you are in the market for a chess set. Be sure to read the reviews of my CrewMates by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Chess House
Product ~ Starter Chess Learning Kit
Price ~ on sale for $39.95, normally $49.95
Ages ~ 6 and up