We received a downloadable PDF copy of the Frog and Toad Together study guide. I used this guide with my 7 year old, Montana, who is just beginning to get comfortable reading chapter books.
Progeny Press has been a family owned and operated company since 1992. They produce high quality literature guides from a Christian worldview ranging from lower elementary through high school. They literally have 100+ guides and add 3-6 new titles each year covering all ages from lower elementary, upper elementary, middle school, and high school. They have got you covered!

~ table of contents
~ notes to instructor: explains how to use the Progeny Press Study guides including how to pace the guides to make them last 8-12 weeks.
~ synopsis: gives an overview and theme of the story.
~ about the author: this section gives background information on the author of the literature being read.
~ before you read activities: a collection of book specific pre-reading activities to complete.
~ Chapters 1-5: each chapter of the book includes comprehension questions, a Bible verse that corresponds to the chapter, and a project to complete.
Frog and Toad Together is perfect for the younger elementary crowd in grades K-3. This collection of stories will have your children laughing and asking questions about the adventures of these two best friends. Click here for a sample section of the guide!Montana really enjoyed this book and literature guide. While I don’t specifically think literature guides are necessary for the younger elementary ages, it was really fun to tie in the hands on learning aspects included in the guides.
I normally have Montana read a chapter out of her reading book and then answer comprehension questions and draw a picture. Because this format works well for us, I used the same approach with this literature guide. With the addition of the projects and activities it made reading more fun for Montana.
In the past we have used several different Progeny Press Literature guides with great success and this guide was no different. We give this guide 2 thumbs up and I look forward to adding more literature guides to our collection over the next few months as we transition back into school. Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of this guide and the many other guides being reviewed at this time by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Progeny Press
Product ~ Frog and Toad Together
Price ~ $11.99
Ages ~ K-3rd