For a little over a month we have been dabbling with the supplemental lessons found on Educeri ....... Educeri a division of DataWORKS . This program has over 1000 lessons for grade K-12 in a variety of subjects in their Educeri Lesson Subscription Service. Let me tell you more about it.
Educeri was developed in 2015 by John Hollingsworth and Dr. Silvia Ybarra. Along with their team of educators, editors, graphic designers, math snobs, and grammar nerds they are passionate about providing awesome educational materials for grades K-12

Lesson are easily searchable through the database and are categorized by grade level and subject area and are presented in a PowerPoint format with engaging graphics. Subject areas included are:
~ Math
~ Science
~ English Language Arts
~ History
~ P.E.
~ Art
~ Music
~ Spanish
~ English Language Development
~ Other Resources

Not all the subjects listed above are included in each grade level. Since this is an online program, Educeri is compatible across all web browsers and operating systems on either PC’s, Mac, or Chromebook.
We spent some time all over the site since I have 1st-10th graders this year. I especially was keen on the high school history section as I am teaching on several of the topics this year as we study the 20th Century.
Navigating through the online site was easy. Just click the drop-down menus to search your grade level and subject area and all your options will be displayed.

Once you know what lesson you will complete, simply click on it to get started. Most of the lessons also include printable student handouts which are very helpful. When answering questions, the answers will pop up on the screen in red.
Overall, I found these ready to teach lessons a good fit for our homeschool! We will continue to utilize them through our subscription period. Be sure to check them out for yourself, they have a 30 day trial and no credit card info is needed.

Be sure to click the banner below to see what my CrewMates thought of this program, as 64 others have linked up reviews too.

Product ~ Educeri Lesson Subscription Service
Format ~ online subscription service
Operating Systems ~ PC, Mac, Chromebook compatible
Price ~ $75.00 a year or $7.00 a month
Ages ~ K-12th graders

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