In addition to serving her family, Gwen and her husband, John, have been serving with Wycliffe Associates in the Dallas, TX area since 2010. Through her work with Wycliffe Associates came the desire to record the stories of the missionaries and Bible translators through her company Seed Sowers.

Seed Sowers is filled with 165 pages of harrowing, real-life stories of people doing Gods work in some of the most remote places on earth. In each of the 21 chapters, you will be immersed into unforgettable adventures through the highest mountains of Peru and into the sweltering jungles of Indonesia. Some of the missionaries stories left me on the edge of my seat and holding my breath. Although, not every story ended with a happy ending, you could see God’s hand in everything that was done.

I chose to use this book as a family read aloud 3 times a week as part of our Morning Time Recitations (MTR). However, I first read the book from cover to cover before I began reading it aloud to the girls. A few of the missionary stories I am already familiar with, but it was nice to have a different perspective of them. I really enjoyed the Authors Note at the end of each chapter. This section gives a little more pertinent information relating to the story or about the people in the story.

While the book is written on a 6th grade level and some of my girls could have easily read it on their own, we have enjoyed it as a family read aloud. Any scripture referenced in the book comes from the King James version of the Bible. The book is available from Grace & Truth Books for $12.50 plus shipping.
Some of the chapters have corresponding pictures to go with them further expanding the discussions after reading. More of these special pictures can be found on Seed Sowers The Book. Many of the photos are old, think Polaroid's, etc. and because of this the quality of the photos makes it so that they can not be printed directly in the book. Being able to see these photos is special in and of itself so I am glad that they are accessible online for viewing.

This is a great book to add to your own home library. Click HERE to read an excerpt. I wholeheartedly recommend you check it out for yourself. These stories will touch your heart and show you God’s love through normal everyday people, like you and I, who sometimes have sacrificed so much to spread his Word. Be sure to check out what my fellow Crewmates thought about this book on their own blogs by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Seed Sowers
Product ~ Seed Sowers: Gospel Planting Adventures
Price ~ $12.50 plus shipping
Ages ~ 6th grade and up for an independent reader and up