We love to get messy with hands-on learning in this house! My youngest two children have been wanting to make an exploding volcano for a few months now summertime is the best time to do some homeschool crafts using Rigid Wrap and CelluClay Quik-Sculpting Kit from ACTÍVA Products.

Inside our box we received:
~ two - 4” rolls of Rigid Wrap plaster cloth
~ 8 ounces of CelluClay
~ Instructions for 12 craft projects
~ a free eBook of ACTÍVA Products' Favorite Sculpture KIDS CRAFTS
The Rigid Wrap is comes rolled up inside the package like a mummies bandages according to McKenzie. The Rigid Wrap is coated in plaster material and all you need to do is cut it with household scissors into the design, shape, and length that you want then soak it in warm water. After that just stick it to any surface or project you are working on. The Rigid Wrap dries super quick so you can start painting or decorating your project asap as you see fit.
The CelluClay starts out as a dry, powdery substance. Just fair warning it will get everywhere so be sure to cover your work surface. To use, simply add water to your desired consistency and you can mold it into any project you desire. Because it is a “wet” product you can add a bit of flare to it by adding in glitter or a bit of paint before it dries. The CelluClay does take longer to dry, but it’s not too long that you would lose interest in the product. Once dry decorate to your hearts content.
My youngest two, McKenzie (7) and Micah (3), were so excited to get started on making their volcano! With the help of big sisters, Marie and Madison, they constructed a beautiful brown and purple volcano. They used a combination of both the RigidWrap and CelluClay to construct the volcano one night.
After it dried overnight, they had a painting session and somehow the volcano ended up a purple/brown mountain which they were pleased as punch about. They could hardly contain their excitement when it was time to make the volcano explode. I posted a video on Instagram, head on over there to check it out.
Overall, we are all super pleased with this product and give it two thumbs up! Everyone enjoyed the product, especially the Rigid Wrap! The great thing is that we have enough materials left that we will be able to make a mummy in a few weeks when we get to that in our ancient history study. If you like the idea of papier mache without all the mess associated with it, this is the product you should give a try.
Be sure to check out all the neat projects my CrewMates created by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ ACTÍVA Products
Price ~ $11.90
Ages ~ kids

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