The whole study is intended to take five days. Over the course of the study you will learn about
Setting, Words, Pictures, Science, and Math & Crafts. Your child will also discuss and have hands-on learning opportunities about: Migration, Geography, Design and Architecture, Grammar Skills, Literature, Critical thinking and more!
McKenzie (8) and Micah (4) have enjoyed reading the Paddington story as well as doing the activities. They both love to paint so I had them paint the flags of Peru and England. We also looked up England and Peru on our globe so they could see first hand where they were located.
Hands down their favorite part was packing a red suitcase just like Paddington’s for a trip. I printed out some articles of clothing from the internet for them to pack in their bag. We travel a lot so they both know about packing and I love how they both thought about what they would bring for the trip.
There are a few activities that we haven’t gotten to because we have been traveling ourselves. However, I made mention that they will be able to make foam and they are both looking forward to it, as well as my big kids because who doesn’t like playing with foam! We will also tie in making strawberry tarts and marmalade within the next few weeks as we study Europe in-depth.
With easy to follow instructions and an included supply list this is my type of Unit Study! We have enjoyed the Paddington story many times over these last few weeks as well as the accompanying activities in this Unit Study from Branch Out World. We are on our 3rd renewal of the library book so we will have to return it soon but not before enjoying the story and activities within this unit study a few more times. Be sure to check out all the products that Branch Out World offers to see if this would be a good fit for your family.

Company ~ Branch Out World
Product ~ Paddington Bear
Format ~ PDF download
Price ~ 9.00 Pounds or $11.43
Ages ~ 5-10 years

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