CTC Math is the most complete online math tutor covering kindergarten math through Trigonometry. World – renowned Australian math teacher, Pat Murray, presents math concepts in a visual step-by-step process and the viewer has the ability to stop and rewind or repeat a concept until mastery. with over 1300 video tutorials CTC Math is there to help your child conquer their math studies and help them excell. For just $118.00 a year, the 12 Month Family Plan allows up to 10 students to have unlimited access to all of the levels the program provides. An excellent value for those with larger families!
Math has never really been my thing. I mean, I can do it, but it’s not my favorite. However, two of my daughters, Mikayla (13) and McKenzie (6) excel at math. But don’t let Mikayla tell you she doesn’t. She scores extremely high in math on her yearly testing even when she is not the best tester. My youngest daughter, McKenzie (6), also excels at math. It’s her strongest subject and she would do math all day if we could. My other girls vary in their math abilities, but none would say that it is their favorite like McKenzie does.
To get started with the program, there is a short diagnostic test for placement. However, you don’t need to start with the placement if your child is in Kindergarten or you know their current math level. Each section is divided into subsections so you can focus on the topic at hand. The parent is able to set the minimum passing standard, I choose 90% for our family.
What I like about this program is that you can move to any grade level and/or any section you would like to pinpoint where you need instruction. Each section includes video instruction which are typically 10 minutes in length. Once the lecture is complete the student then tests his or her knowledge by answering 10 questions. At the younger grade levels, the students answer questions online. Older, more advanced students print out a worksheet to work the problems, then enter the answer online for scoring. At the end of the question portion, the student is awarded a certificate of completion. This is something that my younger students enjoyed.
One of my favorite features has to be the weekly email summaries. Being able to see just how much or little progress was made and what skills they had trouble on is fantastic! CTC Math is a great program and we are 100% pleased. I love the progress that has been made over the last six weeks. McKenzie frequently did 3-4 section a day and would jockey for computer time between the older sisters.
We will be continuing to use this program for the rest of our subscription and will renew it when time comes due. I look forward to using it with my older girls in a few weeks so they too may see their progress. If you are looking for a quality comprehensive online math curriculum, look no further than CTC Math!
Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this program by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ CTC Math
Product ~ 12 Month Family Plan
Format ~ online
Price ~ $118/year, family plan
Ages ~ Kindergarten through High School

CTCMath (US and Canda)
Maths Online (Australia Only)
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