Imagine spending a week or more studying any topic that peaks your interest. Or just for fun, learning something totally new for enrichment or afterschool. Whether it be Native Americans, Knights & Nobles, Weather, or digging into our Constitution Homeschool Legacy has you covered with there Once-A-Week Unit Studies.

Over the last six weeks we have had the opportunity to review the Once-a-Week Unit Study called Birds of a Feather published by Homeschool Legacy. Once-a-Week Unit Studies were designed by Sharon Gibson, a veteran homeschooling mom of 16 years.
For the purpose of this review I received a digital copy of this unit study in PDF format by e-mail. Once-a-Week Unit Studies purchased from Homeschool Legacy are also available as physical, hard copies also.
Homeschool Legacy’s Once a Week Studies are a great companion for busy parents. Preparation time is minimal and you only need to make a quick stop to the library to pick up corresponding literature books. Unit studies are a great way to learn about any topic you fancy all the while covering the basics like Bible, reading, writing, history, and/or science.
Want to know something else? These Once-A-Week Unit Studies correlate to your Boy Scouts or American Heritage Girls merit badges. How great is that! Your Boy Scout or American Heritage Girl will be able to earn merit badges all the while completing their everyday school work.
We were able to review the Birds of a Feather Unit Study that is spread out over a four week period. It retails for $14.00-$18.95, depending on whether you choose digital or physical copy and is appropriate for grades 2-12. The best part is that it can be used by the whole family and is easily adaptable so your younger children can participate too.
Birds of a Feather unit is divided into four weekly studies:
Week 1 ~ Bird basics and your backyard habitat
Week 2 ~ Bird identification
Week 3 ~ Ornithology
Week 4 ~ Birds of prey
The unit study covers a wide variety of subjects and activities to help you get the most out of your studies.
Subjects and Activities included:
Family Devotions from the Bible
Independent and Family Reading
Language Arts
Traditions and Culture
Music Appreciation and History
Arts and Crafts
Life Skills and Gift Giving
Field Trips
Family Trivia Game
Family Movie Night
Fun and Science
Like other unit studies from Homeschool Legacy, the author provides a suggested schedule to show you how to fit it all in throughout the week.
Your regular daily studies
Unit Study library reading selections
Unit Study Family Read-Aloud
Your regular daily studies
Unit Study library reading selections
Unit Study Family Read-Aloud
Wednesday - Unit Study Day
Eliminate regular daily studies
Unit study Family Devotional
Unit study library reading selections
Unit Study Family Read-Aloud
Unit study Activities
Your regular daily studies
Unit Study library reading selections
Unit Study Family Read-Aloud
The 3 R’s (including your unit study reading)
Unit Study Family Read-Aloud
Unit Study Field Trip (or on Saturday with Dad)
Family Movie Movie/Game Night (unit study related)
I was able to use this unit study with Montana {8} who loves all kinds of animals. While we were not able to keep up with the schedule provided and fit this study into 4 weeks, instead we have taken each week and stretched it to fit two weeks. we have enjoyed our time learning all about birds and will continue to use this study over the summer.

OVerall, the unit studies from Homeschool Legacy are fantastic! They provide such rich learning experiences that they make homeschooling with unit studies an easy experience for all. I would love to see these unit studies somehow line up to Girl Scouts badges if possible in the future. Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this study and the 12 other studies {pictured above} that were reviewed by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Homeschool Legacy
Product ~ Birds of a Feather
Price ~ $14.00 - $18.95 *depending on format
Ages ~ 2nd - 12th grade
Format ~ digital PDF file or hard copy

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