Hi there! This review represents the first review for the Crew year for me. So glad you stopped by to read it so I can tell you about an exciting new science program for kids in grades K-2, called Science4Us.com.
Science is a favorite subject for many in our family so I was super pleased when I found out we were on this review for Science4Us.com Online Subscription. We received a 6 month online subscription to Science4Us.com for use with Montana (7) and McKenzie (4).

Science4Us.com is a complete secular standards-based, science curriculum geared towards early elementary students. Since this program is so versatile it can also be used to review core science topics for students in grades 3-5. With Science4Us.com students can choose from a variety of main topics to study, including Physical Science, Life Science, Inquiry, and Earth/Space science. With several different subcategories under each main topic there is so much to learn and explore! While it is secular, I would recommend Christian parents to pre-screen the origins of the earth section and decide for themselves if they will study that portion of the program.
Now, I am sure you are thinking that this is going to cost you an arm and a leg for science, right? Wrong! Regular pricing is just $7.95 per month, per child. Plus each online subscription includes access to over 350 lessons, worksheets and activities to keep your little ones learning and engaged. I love the mission statement for Science4Us.com, it reads:
The mission of Science4Us is to provide a solid foundation of fundamental science concepts for students in their formative years, on which a deep understanding and interest in science can be built.
I love that! The attention to detail the creator of this program has built into it shows. If you are familiar with Vocabulary Spelling City, they have the same creator.
I used this science program primarily with Montana, my 1st grader 2-3 days per week. Because we have had a busy several weeks in the midst of traveling for gymnastics, I just let her log in under her unique username and password and let her explore what interested her for a few weeks. Since she has an interest in all thing animals she quickly gravitated towards the Life Science section for many days. She loves animals, especially Cheetahs.
While McKenzie, 4, did have her own log in she was not too interested in the actual site. No fault of the program, I just think that she is a little too young for it. However, I look forward to checking out the site again in a few years when she is older and more interested.

Overall, we have really enjoyed using this program and will continue to do so even after our subscription expires. I felt like the online activities were age appropriate and while it is geared towards K-2, I think children on the higher end of the age range will have a better grasp of the material. I also love the fact that it is web based and that it will be available on the iPad very soon. A fantastic way to keep learning happening even when away from home.
Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this science program by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Science4Us.com
Product ~ Science4Us.com Online Subscription
Price ~ $7.95 per month, per child
Grade ~ Kindergarten – Second, Remedial for 3rd-5th
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Science4Us
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Science4UsSays
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/science4us/
G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/112259351657747584252/